What does one purchase after owning horns?

I have owned Avantgarde Uno's and sold them because of the lack of bass to horn integration. I loved the dynamics, the midrange and highs. Now faced with a new speaker purchase, I demo speakers and they sound lifeless and contrived. The drama and beauty of live music and even the sound of percussion insturments like a piano are not at all convincing. I have an $8k budget for speakers give or take a thousand. My room is 13'X26' firing down the length. Any good ideas will be appreciated. My music prefrences are jazz/jazz vocalist.
Hi Weseixas,

if you have heard an AG horn you will find a sound like a electrostatic speaker on steroids. No honking nonsense. Coloration is some myth due to some old rubbish horns made by someone else. Be clear on that.

I plugged in my Apogees not long ago. They are one of the finest planars out there, but they sound constricted after a Trio. Before the Trio I felt they were the finest speakers. But dynamic contrast aside, tonally they sound very similar just not as clear. No honking. I could never live with that.


regarding the ATC and Genelec I too could easily use the word S**t, but I have used 2 stunning ATC systems. Both in very good studios and one custom built for the space. But all the other ATCs I have heard domestically have had very bad sound.

As for Genelec speakers I dont know how people use them to mix on. They are devoid of detail, even in places which have the room sorted out. Strikes me they are for people who just want a warm fuzz for sound. I doubt an AG owner would stand 30 secs with one.

As I said earlier the answer to the question is a better horn.
regarding bass integration of the horns with the powered subs I'd like to comment. using duos and later omega duos, highly modded, since many years. the problems some people are hearing are real regarding bass integration. it's a time delay thing. just look at the stereophile review of uno nanos in late 2008, especially the step response. the bass is at least 2 ms behind the mid horn. this is a long time.I'm using digital delay to fix that issue. makes a big improvement to my ears. another issue is the built in amp sits directly behind the drivers, not a good thing.
for owners of duos and uno I'd like to suggest to remove the subs from the frame and place them roughly 2 feet in front of the horns. this will not only helps with bass integration in the time domain, it will also greatly benefit the horns because the subs vibration won't reach the horns anymore!!
Better horns would be the answer for me, but in reality, the answer is "whatever you find you can listen to". I don't mean that to sound like people who like horns can never be happy with another speaker type. However, if you try to compare everything you like about horns to other speakers you will be looking a long time. You have to separate out what the strengths and weaknesses are with each speaker, regardless of topology or configuration, so try to keep an open mind and don't get hung up on what biases other folks have. ALL speakers add their own colors,
Better horns would be the answer for me, but in reality, the answer is "whatever you find you can listen to". I don't mean that to sound like people who like horns can never be happy with another speaker type. However, if you try to compare everything you like about horns to other speakers you will be looking a long time. ALL speakers add their own colors. You have to separate out what the strengths and weaknesses are with each speaker, regardless of topology or configuration, so listen with your own ears and don't get hung up on what biases other folks have.