Kappa 9 vs Martin Logan Quest Z

I'm thinking about one of these...which would you choose ?

I'm tending towards the MLs.
I think I've ruled the K9s out, if at least only because I have other 'worthy' box speakers like Infinity Crescendo 3009's, Vandersteens, RTA15TL;s, NS-500M's, AR9s, 240Ti's, L100's (4 sale here) etc etc...and I also have SMGa's and MGIIa's...I'm just experimenting, looking for a better sound than last week...I have way too many speakers here, but I'm having fun experimenting with them all...

Today's addition to the short-list of what I'll buy next are: Thiel CS3.5's.
FWIW, between the Kappas and the ML's I'd choose the ML's. The last option, the Thiel 3.5's would be my choice.
In terms of bargains the Kappa 8 is one of the best out there, if you can find one with good drivers near you. An Adcom GFA-555 will power them quite adequately, so you don't have to spend a ton of money to power them either.

If you want to drive to Mid-Michigan to hear a pair I'd be happy to oblige, while I'm home late December-early January.
Kappa 9s are, IMO, the worst of the Kappa bunch, and yes I am familiar with them. I've had a lot of Infinity speakers, and I would take RS 2.5s or 4.5s, or a lot of the RS models, before I would take the Kappa 9s. The enclosure is not big enough for those 2 big woofers, and the bass is muddy. The Martin Logans are a better speaker, but if you decide on the Kappas, make sure the dome mid is still translucent and soft. If it is turning yellow and opaque DO NOT buy them. That means the dome mid is on the way out, and they are virtually irreplaceable. Believe me, Ive tried.
You might consider listening to some Vandersteens. They are a wonderful speaker, the best in their price range.
Good Luck, Martin.
Sorry, I didn't read all your responces, so didn't know that you had Vandersteen 2Ces already. The 2Ce Signature is a marked improvement over the 2Ce. Better imaging and seperation, richer mids, faster bass, and they are a remarkably open speaker. I don't think you can classify Vandersteen as a box speaker though. As for the Kappa 9s, they will be superior to those Circuit City Infinity Crescendos. Infinity really took a nose dive after Harmon Kardon bought them. Sad.
Old and true is fun, and I'd like to have 1964 GTO, but it wouldn't be my everyday ride. The same goes for the MGIIAs. A great speaker in it's day but they're 30 years old. And the Kappas are 1987. I think technology has made a superior speaker possible. Of course if you're just buying to have fun that can be a treat also.
Watch out for those Thiels. I've always thougt they were a litle brittle and they can be hard to drive.