DIY. Whose speakers would you use?

If you could pick and choose from any parts out there, which tweeters mids and woofers would you spec for a DIY set of speakers? What about the crossover electronics? Which caps, etc? Crossovers to be internal. Amps SS.
Thinking caps on please!!
Emphasis on boxes for serious listening.
Thanks. Have fun with this!!
Thanks for the link. Tons of information there. That will keep me busy for a while.
Looking for a speaker for classical jazz, acoustic listening. Probably a little on the loud side for most peoples tastes, so efficiency is important. Full range for orchestral. I want to put on a CD and have the string quartet in the room.
Solen's name has popped up several times in my readings. Did they custom build the crossovers or match your driver specs to an existing stock unit? I will look more closely at them. Thank you.
They, (SEAS), were on my preliminary short list for drivers. Madisound and Parts Express seem to have everything you could want/need for a project of this type.
(except of course ambition and cash!! :)
Senior moment I think!
You were saying you used the Solen caps to construct your own crossovers, correct?
While there are excellent parts available, in order to have an "audiophile grade" speaker, you will need an engineer to design the crossover.