DIY. Whose speakers would you use?

If you could pick and choose from any parts out there, which tweeters mids and woofers would you spec for a DIY set of speakers? What about the crossover electronics? Which caps, etc? Crossovers to be internal. Amps SS.
Thinking caps on please!!
Emphasis on boxes for serious listening.
Thanks. Have fun with this!!
While there are excellent parts available, in order to have an "audiophile grade" speaker, you will need an engineer to design the crossover.
GR Research, not a doubt in my mind. Danny sells complete kits, or you can by pieces and do you own thing, and he seems to know very well what sounds good. He also designs drivers for his and other speaker vendors.
If you are going to build a speaker, you should go all the way. You would begin by auditioning top favorite speakers with your favorite CD's in hand, next you would carefully note which speakers you liked best and why.

The place you buy parts for this project may have an engineer on staff. He will aid in getting the best sound for you and your music, after you give him the results you derived from speaker auditions. This speaker should be the same as a custom pair of shoes for your feet only; this speaker should be for your ears only.