Issues with Sony HAP-Z1ES- Vtuner Non-Functional

Since Sept. 5th my Sony has had no Vtuner service. I have contacted Sony and Vtuner and have not received any reassurance when, or worse, if it will ever be remedied.

Wondering if anyone else is having the issue and if you have possibly gotten a better answer from anyone.

Below is my review I posted on Sony's site and their response as my hope in posting it there was I might get a better answer but still seems pretty iffy.

From: California
Would be great if Vtuner ever worked
September 12, 2014
While there are many things I love about my unit I need to comment on a couple items of concern.
Their packaging for a high end product is definitely not. They still use the cheap styrofoam that if dropped in shipping (which is not that uncommon) disintegrates. My unit arrived with outside of box not looking bad but inside was total mayhem.
Needed to order another.
Worse though is my Vtuner has worked maybe 50% of the time I have owned it with a complete outage from September 5th until today which is September 12 with no fix in sight. When I called Sony they first tried to tell me it was a problem Vtuner was having. When I told him my Marantz receiver in bedroom was playing Vtuner as we were on the phone he backed off and said that Sony was aware of the problem and had something to do with their server not connecting properly with Vtuner but would be fixed shortly.
That was a week ago now!
Considering one of the main reasons I purchased the unit was to stream classical radio stations this was a huge letdown.
Lastly on the negative side is customer support was anything but helpful when I tried to get help with transferring a DSD file off the Blue Coast Music site . Cookie, from BCM was a 1000 times more helpful than Sony.
On the positive.
Unit is beautiful and well built. The screen is very crisp and overall ease of use is easy and very intuitive.
Other than the DSD transfer, the other files from my Mac transferred flawlessly. I recommend connecting your internet via cable rather than wirelessly as it transfers more quickly.

Response from Sony
Claudia, Sony Support
September 16, 2014
Thank you for your feedback . I'll forward this to the proper department for future reference.

As of September 5, 2014 the vTuner service on Sony connected consumer electronic products is currently unavailable due to service provider related issues.

You may be receiving a message stating "This service is currently unavailable" related to this condition. Sony is working with vTuner to correct this condition however we currently have no ETA.

Once again thank you for your feedback!