DIY. Whose speakers would you use?

If you could pick and choose from any parts out there, which tweeters mids and woofers would you spec for a DIY set of speakers? What about the crossover electronics? Which caps, etc? Crossovers to be internal. Amps SS.
Thinking caps on please!!
Emphasis on boxes for serious listening.
Thanks. Have fun with this!!
Whao-up, Edge. You and I are both saying good kits, well engineered kits, are every bit as good. Some folk are trying to say that no matter what kit you get it won't be as good as an "audiophile" level speaker. It ain't me saying that.
Hi Edgecreek209, I have built many many speakers. To accurately answer your question we all should know the answer to a couple of questions.
Are you capable of crossover design or are you looking for a pre designed product? If you have a good design, can you do the crossover build or are you looking for pre built crossover? What size room will they play in? How much power do you have for them? I see that you will be using solid state so phase angles should not be a problem, but will your current amp drive 4 ohm ok or are you limited to 6 ohms and above. What type of music do you listen to? How loud do you listen? Are you looking for a floor standing speaker or are you ok with stands? Budget?
Once you answer all of these questions, we can narrow your choice down to 400 combinations or so, but truly, once you answer those questions, I will give you a couple of solid recommendations either from Zalytron, Madisound or Parts express. Good Listening, Tim
Using a "simulated" crossover may get you close, but will not be perfect, as measurements should be taken on the finished speaker baffle.

Check out Clearwave Audio Design and Selah Audio. Both offer quality kits that sound exceptional. Madisound's ScanSpeak kits are also worth checking out.
Think of a loudspeaker as a total design. If you have skills DIY is a possibility if not so gifted and most are not. A kit might be a good idea. If 1st build K.I.S.S.

when I got into the high end, there were many high end emporiums, it was possible to audition the equipment they wrote about in stereophile. The first thing I discovered was the world of difference between "mid fi" and "high end": Koetsu, ARC, CJ, Thiel, Sota and many other brands, are not just names bandied about by audiphiles; but are products that deliver very high quality audio.

Unfortunately, those places no longer exist; consequently, many have never heard sound that you can see. When I could see the points in space where the sound emanated from invisible instruments, I knew this was the "high end".

"Good" that "Mid fi" good, or is that "High end" good? Good as compared to what? When I made the assumption that everyone posting was either an audiophile or an aspiring audiophile, I was wrong; there is a third category. I believe it defines it self.

The original premise stated DIY, summing up everything I said; DIY state of the art is impossible, unless you happen to be a "crossover design engineer".