Thiel CS 3.6 mid-range problem

I have a pair of Thiel 3.6's, with a Mark Levinson No. 336 amp plus Levinson pre-amp and cd processor. I also have Audience AU24 "e" cables and AR6T conditioner. My mid-ranges are blowing out frequently -- 3 times this year. This didn't happen until I got my Audience conditioner and cables. The volume dial of my pre-amp is actually set lower than where it was prior to installing the Audience equipment. I don't think this is a case of playing the system too loudly. Time to upgrade speakers? Anyone have a solution or an idea?
Ag insider logo xs@2xgapperis123
Your problem is not the same as THIEL's.
The mid range driver 'blew', in my humble opinion, as a result of the incredibly wide band width asked of the THIEL Mid Range driver. The crossover point AND the dynamic askance of that driver conspired to make it's output 'greater than it's ability'. This is not a surprise of most people who follow this kind of information.
I had a pair for 8 years powered by #333, ARC preamp, and #37 Transport + Sonic Frontier DAC. Used them also as the front channels in a hometheater setup as well. Never had any issues.

If you like these, I would recommend getting a pair of bases from Sound Anchors. They improve the bass quite a bit.
