Speakers that image best from corners 12' apart

the subject line nets this query out, but I'm trying to find speakers to use in my living room. Klipschorns are out as this is a formal living room so WAF is a consideration. The room is 13'x15'. There is a wall unit 9' wide that will sit between the speakers. I've tried multiple speakers in this room but none like being spread that far apart. Presently I'm using Totem Sttafs and I pull them out into the room when listening. This isn't my primary listening room so I don't want to do that. I simply want a speaker that's optimized for corner placement and runs full range.

Budget-wise I'd like to stay under $1000, preferably well under that. I'm expecting to buy used.

Floor standing is preferred.

Is there a solution for me?

Some speakers do ok in a situation like this if you toe them in, so they point to about 6 inches in front of your face. I'm guessing their dispersion pattern has something to do with how this method may, or may not help.
Check out Orb Audio. I think something like the Classic One or Classic Two set-up would make the best of your not so ideal situation. The Orb's have fantastic dispersion and are easy to place. Good luck!

I second the Hornshoppe but it's not the prettiest speaker. A couple other suggestions are the smaller Klipsch's or maybe a vintage Tannoy or Jensen. The Dual Concentric driver in the older Tannoys would help with the placement problems. I love their full sound and coherence.
thanks to all for the suggestions. I'm actually intrigued by the Hornshoppe speakers - they also will complement a couple of vintage low power tube amps I have.

Ckoffend - your suggestion of bookshelf speakers is particularly interesting, and timely. Frankly, I had a bias for full range speakers in that room because I'm a deep bass bigot. It just happens that I already have a really nice pair of mini monitors . . . um, on the shelf and unused. They need a subwoofer though, and I just happened to have one also unused. It hadn't occurred to me to set these up in that room, but I'm going to give it a try this week. Depending on what happens with the book shelfs, I may move on to corner horns.

thanks again!