So what is the best speaker you have ever owned?

I would like to know what the best speakers in any system that you have owned personally, not just listened. Specifically, what characteristics made it better than anything else? (imaging, bass, dynamic range, smoothness, size, looks, distortion, how it moves air, price, etc.)
thanks, Nita
PSB Synchrony Ones, I still have fond memories of my Klipsch Fortes that I owned in the 80's!
I'd love to audition KEF 207/2's,but thats probably not going to happen living in Ft.Worth.
Hands down Nola Viper 1AX. Bottom line, these baby's reproduce MUSIC way above and beyond most any speaker in their price class and above all the speakers I've owned or still own including several Alon's, Cabasse, NHT, Fried and MartinLogan.

FWIBT, there are only 2 pairs of 1AX's on the planet and I'm lucky enough to have one of them :-)
My Dali Helicon 400's, which had something of a bad rep. for boomy bass, but run by my CJ that's not even an issue. They sound VERY VERY good.
My Lansche No. 5 speakers with their plasma tweeter are by far the best speakers I have ever owned. The tweeter is unbelievably great and incredibly fast. Lansche has somehow managed to fuse their midrange and woofers to the tweeter with little to no difference in performance. It's just a great speaker that makes me want to listen for hours.
