Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne

Hey guys,

Has anyone heard the new Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne? Just saw this pic from CES 2011.


Any thoughts on this one?
I think we will wait a while to hear from owners and perhaps for a review or two. There sure is a lot of pre-release buzz on these.
Yes, waiting for reviews/feedback from owners with "regular electronics" rather than $$$$$ electronics.
I've heard through the grape vine that the next shipment of these will cost $4k instead of $2,500.
That kind of levels the playing field a little.
It take them out of my reach anyway.
If that's true, then that's fairly ridiculous... A $1,500 price raise? These would go from a must buy at $2,500 to being heavily scrutinized and compared with other options, including a used Dynaudio C1 among others.
Mine are set to arrive later this week. While my gear isn't inexpensive, it's not mega-buck either (iMac serving WAV files through Audirvana+; Neko Audio D100MKII DAC; Aaron No.1.a Integrated Amp). I'd be happy to post feedback after hooking them up and giving them a chance to settle/burn in.

FWIW, these will be replacing Harbeth Compact 7ES-3's.