Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne

Hey guys,

Has anyone heard the new Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne? Just saw this pic from CES 2011.


Any thoughts on this one?
What? Just relax!
This is a great product! Yes it has taken a few years to reach the consumer, but I feel that this is for your benefit as the consumer.
Everyone seems to want the best, Now!
I feel that I do have one of the best speaker systems now, and I would urge you to reserve judgement until you can audition them in person.
Doc77, who are you besides not being a registered user here? You tell me to buzz off on the Vapor Audio thread and then come over here with your dirty laundry!

It's pretty obvious that you are more than just a Vapor Audio fanboy. Now why don't you buzz off and let these nice gents have a friendly discussion.
Hey guys, didn't mean to start problems ... my post was worded like a smart ass, may apologies. I'm actually a fan of Evolution Acoustics stuff, and have enjoyed them every time I've heard them. I know I've posted positive comments about the sound of the MicroOnes here before.

So again, sorry. And best of luck to Mr. Tinn in getting these to market quickly.