Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne

Hey guys,

Has anyone heard the new Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne? Just saw this pic from CES 2011.


Any thoughts on this one?
I am not taking sides here, just my experience at an audio show for what it is worth. I attended the 2012 Newport Beach Audio Show specifically to listen to speakers and heard dozens of them, mostly costly designs that cost in excess of $18K/pair. IMO, the overwhelming majority of them sounded cold, sterile, clinical, bright, boomy in the bass, and with a flat soundstage. Maybe it was the rooms, I don't know. But there were five or six speakers that sounded like live music--I have 4 sons who all play music, as does my wife. Only two of these natural-sounding speakers were inexpensive and one was the Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne. So I bought a pair and they are the best speakers I have had in my system, including some that cost $40K. And I can say that Jonathan Tinn has always been an honest gentleman, at least in my own experience.
The Tinnman lays down the gauntlet. Good stuff. Ackman, who is your source? If they are affiliated with Magico, it holds no water....
Mr Tinn, I actually own a MicroOne, and also the Q3. I like the Micro, and for the money, in my office, they are hard to beat, but not without issues (fatiguing tweeter...). They are not in the same league as the Magico Q or S series, and for the money, I am not expecting them to be. I did hear the big EA and I don't think that they are nearly as interesting as the Micro. IF anyone was silly enough to sold his Q7 thinking that the big EA will be "Micro good times 10", he's got some heavy duty disappointment coming his way.
I find it funny that you are trying to "sale" a Q7, with the verbiage you advertise them. After all, who in his right mind will want to buy them after what you are saying in your ad or posts?? I am also wondering who are you threatening with comments like "If this nonsense continues, ..."? This is truly a new low point here on the forum.I must say your guerrilla marketing techniques and aggressive conducts are off putting.
My personal experience with Evolution acoustic sales tactic is also interesting.
I owned a pair of EA MM3 for 4 years (listened it at mike Lavigne house). At the beginning, I was very happy except for some quality issues: a HUGE speaker to show off with my audiophile friends (we all know audio is also a show off business, I admit it), closed bass, sweet sound, nice frequency extension, broad imaging. However, with time, I realized I was listening to them less and less. Difficult to describe why, but it is like if I was not getting enough of the emotion of the concert hall. Maybe it is the coloration of ceramic drivers, or the lack of coherency between drivers with very different dispersion pattern, or the fact that the EA use pretty cheap crossover components.... I really don't know.
So I started to listen to new speakers, probably more than 150 different ones in 18mths and I realized that there was much worse out there... but also that Magico was everything I was looking for: more transparency, much more precision of imaging, more dynamic, much less coloration. I sold the MM3 and bought a pair of Q1 (see my system page) and have also a pair of Q7 on order.

I posted on another famous audio forum my impressions, and my experience with the MM3 vs. the Q1: the good, and the bad. Besides the sound, the "bad" with the MM3 is the poor quality of fabrication:
1) when I received the MM3, one cabinet screw was screwed in the thread of the spike. So I couldn't spike them. I had to dismantle the woofer to remove the screw. The woofer is fixed using basic wood screw. No metal insert, nothing. So you better don't unscrew them more than once, or how would you screw them back? and how do you secure a constant torque with such cheap screws?
2) One of the bass amplifiers died. This happens, and EA replaced it without any question. When opening it, I was however surprised to see the poor quality of connector and cabling used for the bass section. Didn't look like a 40k+ speaker.
3) When I shipped my MM3 to the new buyer, both pairs started to delaminate, next to the amplifier backplate. I contacted EA, who told me a) speakers are not anymore under warranty, b) it happened probably because of variation of temperature during air freight, so "it is not EA fault". Interesting to learn that it is normal to sell speakers which delaminate when shipping by air. Maybe they should put this as a warning in instruction manual.
And this is the model produced in US. Suggest you try the China made Micro...
When I posted my impressions, I got a threatening pm from Mike Lavigne (who owns only speakers and electronics distributed by J Tinn, but of course, this is pure coincidence). You know, the type of messages with a title "I guess we take the gloves off". I am not posting on forums to enter into bull fights, so I stopped there.
I let you build your own opinion. Now it is time for me to go back listening to music.