Do You Remember Your First CD Player?

I had owned the first of the first. I purchased the unit in 1982. It was a Sony CDP 101. It was the most obnoxious, raspy, annoying, piercing, grading, non-musical component I had ever heard.

Also, at the time, the complete CD library that was available consisted of about 15 CDs.

Now? I listen to my newest CD rig more than I listen to my turntable. My, how times have changed.

What was your first CD player and when did you purchase it?
I read reviews after reviews on cd players and came away with the Mission DAD 7000 in 1986.

Never gave me a bit of trouble.In fact, is still working to this very day.
I'll throw my mits in the ring. It was a "Fisher" Can't remember the model # I'm thinking it was around 1983-84. It was a piece of junk, but @ the time I thought it was so wonderful.

Having a CD player vs. a TT? No more cleaning records....Also, I remember my old JVC receiver (40 WPC) with nice walnut veneer sides w/ real glass faaceplate for the AM/FM section. Can't forget about my Cerwin Vega's U-123! I thought I was GOD!

How things change.
How embarrassing. This shows both how young I am and how poor I was for a rather long time. I got my first cd in 1994 when a store I was working at just out of college was selling off a few cd's it played in the store for a $1 each. Even though I wasn't yet a jazz fan I bought a Wynton Marsalis disc and a Stan Getz disc. However I couldn't afford a cd player until 1999 or 2000 I can't quite remember. At that time though I decided to go whole hog and start building my "dream stereo" so I bought a new original Rega Planet and haven't looked back. With my latest purchase, hasn't arrived yet, that would make 6 cd players in about 5 years. Sick, eh?
Mine was a Yamaha CD-X1 (along with my first CD - Peter Gabriel's "Security") in 1984 for $400. Amazingly, I have not replaced it until recently with a NAD C542. Absolutely stunning difference in detail and low frequency clarity. I do not miss the Yamaha in the least - though it served me well.