Audiomeca Enkianthus.X DAC...Anagram mkII

How do you tell if the Audiomeca Enkianthus.X DAC you have has the ANAGRAM MKII processor? Is there a cutoff date of manufacture or serial number after which all DAC's contain the MKII processor? Or is the chip clearly labeled MKII?
I have heard this commented on before and confess I did not appreciate it to a significant extent when I had the original version. In fact other gear which people thought was void of this issue seemed too much in my face, to me. I would add however that I felt it did not equal my vinyl rig in terms of dynamics and presence. After living with the mk II for several months I realized this was an issue which was much improved by the new chip. It was much more life like than the old chip. It is still not vinyl, but much closer and very lovely to listen to. There is a good review of this on tnt-audio which does capture the essence of the change. I hope this answers the question if not let me know and I will try to explain it better, the kids are attacking me


As Gary said, the Enkianthus with the new chip is sounding more solid and dynamic (put the chip in myself in 20 minutes, no problem). But this change in sound became more obvious when I upgraded the transport to the X-version......

Regards, Peter
This is months later, but a fellow A-goner told me he purchased the mk II chip from Anagram Technologies himself for $425 and installed it. Iguess he called them, but they are in Switzerland.