The most creative word for plywood you know.

How about this for one.
"The material used for this enclosure is calibrated cross laminated Beech."
Admittedly, a perfectly good material for a speaker box. I just found it amusing that the company web site went to an extreme to avoid calling it plywood. Can you come up with a good one yourself?
Doesn't have to be plywood, can be any material such as plastic, which never goes by that name in audio.

Right you are! It was probably more the "layered Meranti" part that I found amusing. IMHO, taken as a whole, it's still a pretty good job of puffing up water resistant plywood.
"glue-lam". In the right hands, with the right glue and the right hardwoods, much more malleable initially and, when the glue sets, dimensionally stable.