Hi efficient speaker, bass problems

I know i'm going to take a severe tongue lashing for asking this question but . Is it me , whenever I hear low efficient speakers they don't seem to have a grip on the bass like less sensitive units ? The amount of bass is there , and some have good weight , and punch , but where is the control ?
I just reread this thread, and I don't see any "horn bashing" posted anywhere.
As far as the "free lunch", well, it's been my experience that one usually gets what one pays for. Even the example that Atmasphere offers, is far from free.
My position is that many speakers have bass problems regardless of design or rating.

I have a pair of Aerial 10ts that are about 6 dB down at 21 Hz, and are rated at 87 dB. They do the fast, punchy bass.

I also have pairs of mid-bass and bass horns that barely get to the upper 20s, and are probably around 105 dB. They do faster, punchier bass. What the horns also do that the Aerials cannot is pressurize the air, and IMO this renders a more believable bass sound. And the horns do it at 85 dB volume. They could be EQ'd lower, but that would only increase distortion.
Probably fair to say all speakers have bass problems.

Just some more than others.
Wes, yes you read a bit of attitude from me.
The 500 hZ statement was added by you, I don't recall just how
Far it was capable of, but I crossed it at 400. I took issue with you
Proposing that it was clearly not possible for the driver to perform
As I had claimed, when in fact it did. Even when I gave you the part
Series, you challenged that it would be easy enough to model.
Sorry for short & abrupt typing, I am out of town typing on my phone
Atmasphere, I'm not disputing what you say about the TAD system, it is a multiple driver system not a 2 way, go back and look at my original response, i said the correct way is with a multi-driver system , no one driver is going to go from 30-500+ hz IMO and still produce high sensitivity it would also produce 2 much distortion IMO.

The OP wanted to know why weak bass, this is what we are attempting to discuss not bashing, but we do have a few insecure text book nimrods on board who believe we all should be Horn Borgs and any disagreement is bashing or hating, of course present company is excluded .. :)