Silverline Minuet "Supreme"

As I look to standardize my nearfield systems across multiple desktps, this speaker has caught my attention, not only because it has been recommended by reliable Audiogoners, but also because it seems unusually compact and lightweight.

I have just picked up the latest Absolute Sound, which also praises the Minuet.

Now called the "Supreme" apparently it has some modest upgrades from earlier versions, but also real rosewood veneer, instead of vinyl laminate.

Can anyone comment in more detail on their experiences with the sound of this speaker? Any idea how it might compare to Harbeth P3SER, or other well respected British designs?

Thanks and hope to somehow also hear them soon.
I just heard the Minuets Supreme at the RMAF over the weekend and I alone with everyone in the room were blown away. I can't wait to get a pair used.
Stereo Squares
I heard them over the weekend at RMAF as well and a pair followed me home! Even though I bought the preludes last year at the same show I've always wanted a pair of these. The build quality and the sound from such a small pair of speakers is simply amazing.
I also bought a pair at RMAF. I am blown away and I won't be missing the P3ESR SE/Nait 5i if that says anything. Just sold my Adam A7Xs for this setup. I'm powering them with a Wadia Powerdac on a desktop system. This configuration is GREAT!!! Please help me figure out a larger version for biggish room for 2 channel and theater usage.

Re "I wont be missing the P3SER SE....if that says anything"

I would say that says quite a lot, since the Harbeths have been raved about and are almost twice the price!

Noting in your other threads that you liked the original Linn Kans (which I also thought sounded surprisingly good when I heard them) I take this as a strong recommendation for the Minuets and may finally have to just give them a try.

As I have inquired regarding both the Minuets and the Harbeths, it would be great to hear any further thoughts on near field use, particularly with respect to fatigue free midrange, low level transparency, and /or any good matches or "synergy" with associated DACs and amps.

Thank you,
I have a pair of original Minuets in my small living room powered by a vintage Marantz receiver. They are kind of tucked away behind my TV and I run my TV through this system for a poor man's HT (sounds fine for movies and music on channels like Palladia), but also have a cd player and internet radio hooked up. They sound really nice and are just cool little speakers and IMO a great bargain for $300 used. In my room they are capable of putting out an incredible amount of bass. In the interest of simplicity, I use a single run of wire with jumpers.