Modified Jolida JD100A or Cary Cd308T

I realize the price difference. Is the Cary worth the extra money for HDCD decoding and remote volume control?
Mine has the BB1716 DAC.

If you put the right tubes in the Jolida, it is one heck of a player. My current favorites are GE 5751 3 mica black plates. Arthur (hey other Arthur!)
I agree with Aball, the Jolida is a fine player and responds well to tube rolls. My favorite so far has been Telefunken 12ax7 Smooth plates. I havent come across a pair of GE 5751 blackplates but I did try some RCA 5751 3 mica blackplates.

FWIW, Monday I should receive a matched pair of EH gold pin 5751s. I liked the EH 12ax7s quite a lot. I'll post my impressions of the new tubes if you guys want.
I currently have the EH 12ax7's so I would be very interested in your impressions. I'm looking to open up the top end a little more than the current EH do.