Merlin TSM with Shindo 25 watt amp

Anyone using Merlins with Shindo amps? I am considering the pairing, but it seems somewhat uncommon. Anyone with experience with the amp/speaker combo? Bobby from Merlin is convinced that it would work. I have a mid-large size room and listen at moderate levels most of the time.
a, the 30 watt tube guideline was made 15 years ago and was relative to the products available at that time. today there are many lower powered tube amps that drive them very well. i should change the specification.
i use a fila which is 22 watts pure class a in a 8000 cubic foot room at the factory and it sounds imho, room filling and right. remember that the tsm is imp eq-ed and runs at 6.5 to 9 ohms which is very tube friendly.
nuff said by me.
best, b
FWIW, I am running my TSM's in a 16 x 13 x 8 room with a pair of Manley Mahi monoblocks. I never take 'em out of triode mode (20 watts/channel) and they play PLENTY loud for me! I've tried them in UL mode (40 watts/channel) and I miss that glorious triode midrange. Yes, it's a matter of taste, but in a medium small room, they'll go plenty loud on 20 watts.
The Merlin VSMs are more far more efficient than most people realize.

Compared to my 96 db sensitive Horning Perikles backloaded horns using Lowther DX-2 drivers, you definitely have to go up a click or two on the volume dial, but it's surprising how close things are in that regard.

Two moderately powered tube amps I drive mine with, a push pull 6AS7G integrated and a Dynaco ST70, provide more than enough power.