Merlin TSM with Shindo 25 watt amp

Anyone using Merlins with Shindo amps? I am considering the pairing, but it seems somewhat uncommon. Anyone with experience with the amp/speaker combo? Bobby from Merlin is convinced that it would work. I have a mid-large size room and listen at moderate levels most of the time.
m8, lower efficent speakers can be as dynamic as heck if they are extremely linear and continuous sounding. in this way you can hear the correct balance between the micros and macros.
bobby at merlin
I have used TSMs with a Sugden A21a 25W amp, and a leben CS600 30W amp both in a 14 x 12x10 room.power has really not been an issue so long ( i sit 8 feet away)

I don't think "loudness" should be the only criteria here.

Agreed. I should have said something like, "plenty of slam and dynamics." :-)
Thanks very much for all your comments. Its apparent the TSM's would work just fine. I am likely renovating my livingroom which will change the size and acoustics and ultimately the speaker choice. I may wait till my house is in order before I move forward with a purchase of:

TMS mxr and/or
Devore Orangutan