Experiences with McIntosh MEN220 Room Correction?

I'm having trouble with a sonically dead room, 15x15. Any one try the McIntosh MEN220 with good results?
Square rooms are often prone to serious standing wave/room mode problems. You may need to try asymmetric placement. EQ can usually take you only so far.
Room is not exactly square. Has some nooks that give it seven wall surfaces but mostly squarish. Ceiling goes from 9 to 15 feet in a continuing ascent. Have a lot of books on shelves that deaden the room. Have used asymmetrical speaker placement and still not getting what I should for the system running (McIntosh MA6600 integ amp, Dynaudio Confidence 1, JL Audio F112 sub). That's why I'm looking/hoping for the MEN220 to help.
Take a look on Audio Afficionado under the McIntosh folder - some discussions there about the MEN220.