Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?

While reading through the many threads on Vinyl vs. CD, I thought it might be interesting to see what CD transports/players Vinyl fans use when not listening to their analog rig?
Modwright modified Transporter. Very listenable and finally a digital source that gives my vinyl setup a rest. Had a highly modified XA777ES that was good but seldom found playing time. Digital very close now and happy with either.
I have a $15.00 Sony Playstation 1. One of the best sounding CD players I have ever heard. I think the top end is slightly rolled off which keeps the digital glare down,not to mention a much sweeter over all sound.
Since I am almost strictly a vinyl nut,this rig is perfect;minimal investment,good quality sound in a (IMHO)limited format.
For $15.00 at a yard sale,I certainly have no complaints.I would much rather put my money in either more LPs or
a better MC cartridge.

I enjoy listening to both cds and vinyl. I have an Audio Note 4.1x Balanced DAC and an Audio Note CDT-Two II transport. My analogue rig is a Basis 2800 Signature (vacuum) table, Vector arm and Dynavector XV-1s cartridge.
