Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?

While reading through the many threads on Vinyl vs. CD, I thought it might be interesting to see what CD transports/players Vinyl fans use when not listening to their analog rig?
I use the EMM Labs CDSD SE and the DCC2SE DAC combo. I bought the EMM XDS 1 player recently. But nothing beats the Vinyl set up.

It just sounds natural. Digital is all about sound shaping using algorithms. That is music to some years and noise to others. Tis best to listen to what u r more comfortable with. But try one must to all possible sources and technologies...
Naim CD5x, Marantz DV7001 (for SACD) and Squeezebox Duet with Cambridge DacMagic.

Nothing compares to vinyl through my Basis 1400/Encounter MkIII/Ortofon Kontrapunkt b.
Reimyo DAP-777. It has an organic warmth that's very similar LP. It needs a good cd transport, with very little jitter though, since the DAP-777 doesn't sport a digital buffer.