How good is the Lector CD player?

I have a friend that is so over the top,with satisfaction,that he is literally telling me to sell my Levinson 390s to buy this unit.I know it has gotten some good press,but doubt if I'm ready to sell my wonderful 390s,in favor of this unit.Any thoughts?Thanks.
I have heard the lector as my cousin has it and it is a good player,but his buddy said it smoked his audiomecca Mephisto and i had the mephisto that that is not true to me anyway.the Duevel to me smoked both of them.Try it if you can as you have a very good player and see what happens.Good Luck,Bob
The current issue of HiFi+ did a review and basically said you must listen to it. It is either lover or hate. I have to agree with the review as I heard it and was not all that captivated. Unless your Levinson demands replacement, I would take my time.
I've now owned the Lector and it is by far the most MUSICAL player I've yet heard. I had a Chord DAC64/Blu combo, it was just OK, very detailed but not musical and at over 12k just overpriced. The Lector has now let me forget about my next upgrade and I just enjoy listening to my CD collection. I heard the Lector angainst a Reimyo CDP and yes the Reimyo was a bit smoother but not by much and at almost 16K it should have blown away the didn't.