active speakers, Paradise? Trouble in paradise?

Anyone ever hear or own active speakers that made you forget about all the rest?

Or are active speakers best left to the studio engineers?

And DJ’s?
There's currently a pair of Paradigm Active 40s listed for sale on this site @ $950. These may not quite compare with ATCs, et al, but offer an opportunity to "go active" with a (nearly) full range loudspeaker for a very low price of admission. Some time ago, I had the bookshelf Paradigm Active 20s in a second system and thought they represented great value.

Good Luck,

The best for the budget so fare are Event Opal nearfield active monitors powered by over 400Wpc of continuous power.
It's mainly sold in pro-audio stores but performance is on the reference level of high-def standards. They retail for $3000/pr.

Disclosure: I do not sell them nor authorized dealer. They're for purchase at or
Thanks folks... very much.

Again... are active speakers generally speaking, of modular design so if amps fail the whole enclosure doesn't have to ship?

Were I to go down this lane I'm figuring 5K or so will be the bullet I'll use to bring down the prey.


Yeah, I'm at another crossroad. For me these come up infrequently... years vs months for major changes.

While I've been pondering new power amps, and want a new color or design for my main speakers, the notion came to me to consider something I've not yet given much attention... and have scant little info and zip experience with.

Albeit, I'm not actually thinking of a Hybrid speaker, nor purely active speaker per se as the solution. I'm simply considering as amny angles on their path as I can imagine.

So far, as I'm unlikely to doing a live audition, I'm going to cling to the idea that speakers (in general) perform on various levels. Preowned, at $5K +/- some, should retail for 9-11K.... and at 10K I've not heard a dog speaker yet.

In fact, I'll go a bit further and say I've heard way more expensive ones of late and I'll attrivute the experienced sound as more the setup than the speakers. The waht's up front section IMHO always matters more... at least to me.

It continues to get proven time and again.

Consequently, with what I feel is a top tier tube preamp on hand, active speakers appear a viable solution, and a quicker less involved, and simpler path to solving my current audio dissatisfaction and distress. AS well, one which might prove a less troublesome arrangment to maintain too.

Ojgalli >> Active x/o actually solves loads of problems. What's the logic (or benefit) of taking the amplified signal and dumping it into yet another circuit?

But then, isn't that what must happen for any speaker to make noise? Either the X over comes in advance of the power amps, or afterwards?

Ojgalli >> Passive is for the plug-n-play crowd.

Or perhaps in truth… plug & plug & plug & play, and plug in another and play, and plug in another and play… et all… until one finds the ‘Goldilocks amp’, for their passive speakers.

True plug & play loudspeakers must therefore be those fully active speakers. Nothing could be more plug and play… aside from the new owner getting longer Ics. To connect up with., from their source or preamp… in my case it’s a preamp, by choice to the transducers signal input.

Just the sheer number of variables becomes truncated merely by inserting the Active units into the equaition. No speaker cables required. No secondary set of power cables if mono blocks were in use previously.

Some I reaed about online even have a USB input and no need for ICs from preamp to amp, or here… from preamp to speakers… and no need for a preamp then either!... merely a Personal Confuser or digital music server!... as in some of the Meridians.
Yes the Event Opal raised many eyebrows when they came out. Lots of power. Great value - kind of a Genelec knock-off for about about 40% lower price.

IMHO though audiophiles will be most rewarded by getting into a three way active - like Adam Tensor, larger PMC's, larger ATC's or Barefoot MM27. Expensive unfortunately but impressive - hell yes!

I would add that far too many people have room acoustic issues and a high end active studio monitor is going to give them some grief. Unless you are prepared to go down the road of acoustic treatments to get the room closer to ideal then it is hardly worth getting a speaker that is as linear and as accurate as is technically possible with modern technology. One may be better served by getting some audio furniture (nice aesthetics) than investing in technology that clarifies all the warts in the recording and your room.