Which speakers to get for a Very Large Room.

Hello All,

My system is at a point where I think I need to try new speakers. I currently have Ariel 7Bs and would like to try something a bit more efficient, more revealing, and open and forward sounding. I had to do a lot of messing around with the 7Bs to get the base out of them and ended up tilting them back to tame down the upper mids and tweeter. My room is about 22'x38' with a 17' flat ceiling. My current equipment is listed below and I will be changing a few things in the near future. I need something with good base because of the volume of my room and I really like a life like midrange for vocals, sax and acoustic strings. I listen to all rock from the 60s to today, nothing to heavy and adult contemporary with some jazz thrown in now and again.
Joule Electra LA 150 MK11 SE
Butler 2250 Hybrid SS/Tube amp 250/8 400/4
MHDT Havana Dac (may be getting a Burson 160D soon)
Aerial 7B speakers
Integra DPS-6.7 DVD/SACD
Wadia 170i
IPod classic (files in lossless)
Mac Mini on the way.

I very much appreciate the help!

No time to fool around. Best you get the JBL Everest or K2 speakers. JBL Synthesis is the line you should look at. All others are toys.
I would be looking for Von Schweikert 5's or larger;along with Dunlavy sc V or sc VI;what budget are you working with?
Horns are your best choice your space is massive a dynamic loudspeaker design would have much thermo compression since large power would be needed to fill rooms volume to create adequate SPL and dynamics. The voice coils would be near melting temp this will produce more distortion and could prematurely fail. This is why horns based systems are used in any larger space or in professional systems. Using a horn in such a space will yield the best sound quality.
I like Aerial line and 9B or their newest 12t would certainly come onto consideration.