Best Dac/Transport Under 50,000

I'm looking for the best dac/transport under 50K.
I've been in the hobby for almost twenty years. I've replaced my system numerous times. However, three years ago, I got to a point that I'm really happy with my system. My speakers are Montana KAS, and the amplification is from Pass Labs. Until now, I've listen to vinyl only. I'm looking for the best musical and analog player out there. Recommendation I've got so far are the German companies Burmester and MBL which I listened to and must admit, sound very analog and a so much better then Mark Levinson Reference Dac/Transport.
Your thought will be greatly appreciated.
You may also want to check out the Zanden Signature separates as well. They have been getting a lot of coverage in the 'phile press lately, although I am not sure how easy they are to track down in order to audition.

You just missed the Zanden transport that was sold for 15k. I think that Signature dac is still for sale.
Tube Research Labs makes a signal processor that meets your criteria.
In that price range, I would want an in home trial with my system in my room, but that is probably stating the obvious.
The most "analog-like" sound I've ever heard from digital was the Forsell transport/DAC combination, which was specifically voiced by Peter Forsell to sound that way. My combination of the Forsell transport and the Audio Logic DAC is close to that, with a lot more detail than the Forsell DAC but still a lot of that analog bloom and life. Given what others have written about it, I would expect the pricier Audio Note DACs to meet your criteria as well. I would not say that the Meitner/EMM Labs gear, good as it is, sounds like the analog you're describing--it doesn't sound digital either, though, which is why it sounds so good. And while I like the current dCS equipment, I would not have chosen its prior iterations over my current set-up; it wasn't until they put the Verona master clock into the stack that it started sounding special again to me.