Mid-priced warm sounding DAC?

I've recently decided that a good route for me to take is upgrading my system with a good DAC. My current system is a bit bright sounding, so I'm looking for a good DAC costing up to $600 (used) that will provide a smooth, warm sound to match my currently bright system. I'd also like the DAC to be capable of upsampling, although if necessary I could add an upsampler to the digital chain at a later time. My preference would be to have it built-in, however.

Any suggestions?
All speakers sound brighter when toed-in. Point the Triangles straight ahead and see if the tonal balance becomes more even. Soundstage should also seem wider and more expansive, though images larger and a bit less precise.
I had Triangle Celiuses and they were kind of bright sounding. Replaced them with Merlins and havent looked back.
I read here: http://www4.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?t=134464

that the unit from PothAudio is basically the same unit as the Audio Mirror D1 NOS DAC with nothing substantively different. Can anyone who has heard the unit confirm this? The price is right...
There was a thread here recently that was removed regarding the similarities between the Poth and Audio Mirror. The owner of Audio Mirror posted a response similar to what was said on the head-fi thread. I have two of the Audio Mirror units, one that has been modified by TRL. In comparison to the Poth, to the eye they seem very similar, with the obvious exception that the Audio Mirror uses the teflon caps (which according to TRL are very good). The owner of Audio Mirror has told me of other changes that he made to the circuit, but I'm not an engineer so I don't know for sure. However, one way to know for sure is to compare both of them side by side, which will also allow you to A/B for sound quality comparison. I'm ordering a Poth for that precise purpose. To my knowledge I have heard of no direct comparisons between the two products from anyone that owns both units or has heard them together.
Well, Clio09, you've hit upon my point precisely. I will be very interested to hear your A/B comparisons of the two. Please post your comparison back at some point. In advance of that, would you be good enough to cite your experience with the Audio Mirror first? It would be nice to know your impressions of the unit before reviewing the DAC-Ah. As you well know, two things that look similar to the eye may not sound anything alike to the ear.