Sony DVP-S9000ES vs DVP-NS999ES for 2-channel?

Hi all,
I am considering upgrading my Sony DVP-NC650V CD/SACD/DVD player to one of the Sony models mentioned above. I primarily use this machine for listening to SACD and CD discs in a 2-channel stereo system. I am interested in finding out if others have compared the Sony DVP-S9000ES and DVP-NS999ES for their performance playing back CDs and SACDs in 2-channel. If so, I would appreciate feedback so that I might make an informed decision between these two components. I am aware that the 9000ES does not have a good rep playing back CD-R, DVD-R, etc. I have an inexpensive DVD-A player to handle those discs. Again, I am mainly concerned with SACD and CD performance.

My equipment chain coming out of the Panamax Max 5300 line conditioner is as follows:

current/future silver disc player -> van den Hul D102 MK III interconnects -> Musical Fidelity X10-D tube stage (using an upgraded toroid power supply) -> vdH interconnects -> B&K PT3 Series II preamp (using Audioquest NRG-1 power cord)-> vdH interconnects -> B&K ST2140 stereo amp (140wpc,using ZuCable Mother power cord) -> vdH Teatrack biwire speaker cables -> Canton Ergo 92DC full range speakers.

I mostly listen to jazz (I love the 50 year-old reissues that are coming out on SACD) and, to a lesser degree, a variety of "rock", i.e. King Crimson, Led Zep, Who, Stones, Zappa, Neil Young (the latter 2 artists are the primary reasons I bought the DVD-A player).

Thanks for any help/insight.
I had that very combo when it first came out.I found it to be OK for home theater,but unfit for serious 2 channel listening.The Sony gear was not alone in that regard.I had the same problem with Lexicon and several other pre/pros.I finally solved the dilemna with an Aragon Soundstage,an 8008BB amp for the main channels and an Acurus 200x3 for the surrounds.

I was in the same boat as well. Both Sonys don't fare well for Redbook playback.

My best suggestion is to get either one modded. I have mine sent to VSE for an upgrade. I opted for the DVP-S9000ES since at the time was discontinued at really good prices.

Here's the link for the Allen Wright mods:
I agree with Mike....average players at best, un-modded, but really outstanding modded.

I have the 999ES and a friend has the 9000ES, both modded by Dan, Modwright. In my system, the Modwright 999ES bettered the highly regarded Audio Aero mkII DAC that I also owned for a while.