What's the "worst" cdp for the money?

OK, we've seen much input on the best cdp for the money. Now how about we collect opinions on the worst value cdp's out there? You know, like a $3000 player that sounds like a $300 player.
What would you consider a positive contribution to a purposefully negative thread?
The worst CD player I bought was a CEC at a yard sale here in town.
I paid $30 for it! I was so proud,I felt like I had struck gold.
It sounded very good to my ears!
I wanted to do some google research on it so I looked closely at it to get the model number on the player.In doing so, I noticed it was not CEC but NEC!! It went from sounding very good to horrible.
Worst $30 I ever spent :~)
By the way...I was a newbie then..
Judy426, just an observation as to the probable end of this thread.

And there is nothing "positive" that I see about this thread anyway, as Timrhu stated. If a Bose system gives someone enjoyment, and fulfills his audio needs...it's not a piece of junk to HIM! There are two highly regarded speakers (no names!) that always seem to generate great reviews and praise. Having heard them at 3 consecutive CES, I feel that they are vast underachievers. I'm not about to insult the listeners who enjoy them, or the manufacturers who put their pride and hard work into building them.

This is a very nasty and petty thread!
Fatparrot..I hear you..The Audiogon Police should be arriving any time now.

IMHO..they certainly have ended some very interesting threads....and for no apparent reason.