What's the "worst" cdp for the money?

OK, we've seen much input on the best cdp for the money. Now how about we collect opinions on the worst value cdp's out there? You know, like a $3000 player that sounds like a $300 player.
I disagree this thread should be closed. These forums include constant harping on how the audio magazines only provide positive reviews because of advertisor money, and how the cost of audio equipment has gotten out of control. We also read advertisements declaring "you would have to spend 5 times as much to achieve the performance level of their new cd/amp/dac/etc." So, why shouldn't people on this forum have an opportunity to provide their opinons of equipment that doesn't measure up for the money. Isn't one of the reasons we have these forums to share experiences and opinions? If someone believes certain equipment is not worth the money, I am interested to hear what and why. I don't believe the initial thread post was excessively negative, and assuming the posts stay away from personal attacks and gross generalizations about manufacturers, there may be some interesting information discussed.
I agree,this thread sucks!I can't wait till my player is mentioned,what fun that will be.Gary.
I am curious to know what the rest of your systems are(interconnects, Powercords, speakers, Amp, Pre, etc). Keep in mind when comparing cd players - your performance will be limited to the weakest components/interconnects in your system. If a $3000 cdp sounds like the $300, then you have a weak link somewhere preventing you from gaining the benefit of a higher resolution player.
Hmmmm..... What's up with some of you guys? Many of these threads contain opiniated comparisons between different components. When a user gives an opinion on which component is better over another, one particular component always receives a negative recommendation. So, does this mean that all threads asking which component people prefer over another should be closed? I don't think so, as this would eliminate one of the main reasons many of us use these message boards. To ask opinions.

The purpose of this thread was to allow users to stress their opinions on a particular subject. It seems when someone thinks they have found a "holy grail" component, they are allowed to get on the web and tell the world how great it is, and there's nothing wrong about this. But, when someone finds a poor value component, shouldn't they also be allowed to spread the word, as well. Look at how many ads we see on A'gon stating things like "The best player under $2000". This is an attack on ALL other players under $2000. Maybe these ads should get yanked, as well.

Everyone in this hobby should know that perception of sound quality is very subjective, and also system dependent. User's opinions should be taken as a general guideline, and not a definitive answer. One man's trash is another man's treasure.

This thread asked for opinions on one subject, so please stick to the subject. If you don't like the thread, then just pass it by.
Fatparrot says >>This is a very nasty and petty thread!<<
Ouch! Somebody must have mentioned your cd player huh?