What's the "worst" cdp for the money?

OK, we've seen much input on the best cdp for the money. Now how about we collect opinions on the worst value cdp's out there? You know, like a $3000 player that sounds like a $300 player.
Elizabeth -
Sounds like you've got alittle Black Widow thing going on...."(I enjoy destroying things that gave me pleasure...)"

Kidding! Enjoyed your post though.

Sorry, I have a bad,bad habit of exaggerating numbers.
(Some internal childhood thing mo doubt)
I DID play that 89ES everyday for about 16 hours a day for ten years.
I start in the morning @ 7:00 AM and left it on for the pets all day, then continued it myself until around 10:00 pm.
On weekends all day. I really hardly watch TV, and never go do anything.
Then it really did not die, just the data wire from the sled to the board got messed up. If I jiggled the wire it would play. Then I tried really messing with the wire, and it no longer played so I hammered it into a mass of rubble.
Still very impressive service.

You know, the bludgeoning thing sounds like it would be really good for your mental health. If I didn't have so much money tied up in my toys, I'd probably take great pleasure in beating the bejesus out of at least a couple of 'em ;)