What's the "worst" cdp for the money?

OK, we've seen much input on the best cdp for the money. Now how about we collect opinions on the worst value cdp's out there? You know, like a $3000 player that sounds like a $300 player.
Exaggerating is actually really pretty much a woman thing. My wife does it, like, a million times a day.

Elizabeth, what do you mean you never do anything? Are you exaggerating again or do just sit around the house all day Saturdays and Sundays?
"Exaggerating is actually really pretty much a woman thing. My wife does it, like, a million times a day."

i'm not sure what this is in responce to, but that's funny.
Yes all I do is LAY around ALL DAY, ALL THE TIME ALL DAY on my days off work... listening to music.
I do NOT cook, clean, wash, fix, mend, organize, work on...
I just lay there like a lump and listen to music, enjoying every moment of it.
IMHO law of diminishing returns kick in much quicker when it comes to cd players, the difference between a $500 cd player and a $5000 cd player is not very big, unlike speakers or turntables. I personally don't see any merit in purchasing a cd player costing more than $2000.

I have carefully heard the Pioneer PD-91, Marantz CD94, Sony CDP-X55ES, Denon DCD-S10 and some others costing between $1000-2000 and I think they sounded as goodif not better than the several $,$$$ Wadia.

By the way, this is one of the so many good threads on A'Gon. Very beneficial to some, at least I found it so.