What's the "worst" cdp for the money?

OK, we've seen much input on the best cdp for the money. Now how about we collect opinions on the worst value cdp's out there? You know, like a $3000 player that sounds like a $300 player.
You said the difference was not big. You are quite incorrect. It may not be apparent with your Quad components and Kef speakers but if you have a highly resolving system there is a very big difference. This is really not a debatable issue.
Boa, Quack, and Mustang (sounds like a 60's rock band) I agree 100%. The difference between a $500 and $5000 cd player is enormous provided the other equipment is of comparable quality.
That's Bachman Quacker Motordrive, and I do hope you pick up our new album.
this is a great thread...i thought it was gonna be deleted the day it started...i'm an el cheapo combi player user and i have to agree that the higher $$$ machines sound better...at least the Cary player i tried in my system sure did...my next system will definitely have a better player.

now what i think is really funny is when somebody ups to some super esoteric CDP...I dunno...something like a DCS stack...and then start talking about how much the $5000 players suck.

and before all you DCS guys start beating up on me...yes...I did listen to it...with other good equipment...and yes...my jaw dropped and all those other things...but cmon...really now...hahaha