Wadia direct into amp, Sound a bit too lean??

Hello everyone:
I need a little help here. I'm using my Wadia 861se direct into my Rowland 302 amp, but the sound is a bit too lean for my taste. I'd like to make the sound of my system to be fuller by changing the ICs. Any comment will be helpful. The rest of my system are: Avalon Eidolon, Acoustic zen silver reference II ICs, Hologram II speaker cables, MIT oracle AC2 for wadia.

Hi Jerry
I think unless you are willing to add a decent preamp, no cables will give your the body and air that you are looking for.
I also own the same cdp so I am speaking from my own experience.

I have had the same problem running Wadia 7 & 9 directly into my amplifier. I have tried interconnects and power cords with very marginal improvement. Finally I tried the Z-systems RDP-1 and the search was over. The combination is simply awesome to say the least. Follow Nickt's advise, you should look for a quality pre-amplifier.
What is the output voltage of the Wadia set at?...you may need to pop the cover and kick it up a notch. Are you using balanced outs? Also, I suspect the Rowland may not be the best mate for a passive.
