Best XLR IC's for around $300/pair?

Gimme a few names and attributes if you can. Thanks.
I had the Take Five Audio Neotech NEI-3002 XLR's with the Vampire plugs and they were very good. I only replaced them because of a system configuration change.
Definitely consider the Mogami 2534. I bought a 6 foot pair, terminated in
Neutrik XLR's and paid $90! If your equipment is truly balanced and doesn't
use a pseudo balanced circuit, you may be very pleased. It's been pointed
out on other threads by an equipment manufacturer if the gear is properly
designed for balanced operation, any properly designed/constructed
balanced cable will be sonically transparent. And that's the ideal- a cable
that neither adds nor robs, a cable with no sonic signature. With the gear I
have that's been my experience too.

I've also bought a pair of Harmonic Technology Pro-Silway II (1m) and
Audience Conductor (2m), all balanced, for under $200 each. I find either of
these good solid cables. Right now I'm listening to a Ray Brown LP, and the
cable from the phono pre to the amp is an Audience Conductor.

If you're ambitious and good with a soldering iron, this may be a nice way
to go- DH Labs BL-1 MkII cables and Neutrik XLRs. All readily available on
the bay and parts cost should be under $60 for a 1 meter pair. And if you
want to splurge, get some techflex (many auto parts stores carry it) to
jacket the cables! Many very high priced ready made cables also use
techflex. It's just decorative (though some manufacturers claim
performance enhancement with jacketed cables) and inexpensive. Maybe
some companies don't want you to see that you just spent $350 on a pair of
cables which really just is a Belden or Mogami wire which can be bought
for under $2 a foot!

I know you are looking for various cable attributes but to me the best cable
attribute is no cable attribute at all!
Seriously consider DNM Cables. I'm using a XLR-RCA cable with fantastic results, the XLR-XLR ($248.00 delivered) cable will sound just as good. They are a copper solid core design, the high and mids are true to life and the bass is solid and taught. DNM are the last stop in my cable journey, the music just flows with these baby's!

I would think that as long as the cables are competently built and use quality materials, there should be little if any difference among them. To that end, Blue Jeans Cables make some XLRs that are reasonably priced and are properly constructed using quality materials.

No need to spend $300, you can get quality cables for about $25 ea...
