Why so little none impressions on Focal Maestro?

everybody talks about Wilson Sasha, Vandersteen 7, Sonus faber, but this speaker which was released last year received basicaly none feedback. Is it size, price or performance are medciore to most ears? or they are so seriuos performers that do not need any talks?
Thanks for responses, well I mean not positive but ANY feedback including negative.There is quite a few negatives(same mentioned Wilsons or B&W) but nothing about Maestro. I understand top Models (from Focal that would be Grande EM and Stella EM) but Maestro is still afordable (or at least priced in common sense), and to my ears it more complex to integrate in small European house and probbaly they would love bigger, slight damped rooms. I am not Focal dealer or salesman bu I helped to setup two pairs of Maestro- they needs to be position very carefuly to get 3D and avoid "boxy" and overly warm sound. they replaced Marten Coltrane and Kharma 3.2.2(?) after setup they just fine-smooth ,powerfull, and homogenic. but not so "interesting" comparing to both Marten and Kharma. I just leaved after that but I came few times back after while and the more i listened the more enjoyment i get from them. At one point owner reverted back to Marten with same Bryston amps and we could hardly believe how forward, analytical and harsh they soundd with less than perfect records and how individual intruments just "jumped in and out" during orchestra performance distracting from music. before that instaltion i tried to look on the net what amps, sources people uses on Maestro and couldnt find ANY. So reason for starting this thread. To my ears they sound very good(frightning dynamic and yet calm, smooth) with set of bryston 28"s. Any (practical) findings to how they would sound with accuphase m6000? or maybe someone uses some other amps and find perfect match?
Hi Elviukai - Sorry I do not agree - 50K is not affordable by an stretch or even common sense for the average audiophile and downright laughable for the above average income person who is shopping for a good sounding audio system. It is a luxury component that is not providing transportation or a nest egg to put Amber through 4 year college.
I don't meant this to sound harsh or argumentative.

Audio Mags have reviewed many Focal products that are more pricier then the Focal Meastro you are mentioning - they also have a large lineup (and had a larger lineup in the past) of speakers so in comparison to Vandersteen and Wison, there are more to review.

I believe that Focal sells a lot of speakers in the lower price ranges as well - not long ago they were a staple in the Sound Advice chain before they went under. I have a dealer locally who sells Focal and the lower price models were there bread and butter for years.
Do a search on audioasylum there may be some
I understand perfectly what you are saying. and I particulary agree, but just particulary. The product is common sense priced until
1) there is some usual to us coreleation between manufacture cost vs selling price. up in the chain this coleration increases in most manufacturers( small demand requires more profit to absorb R&D and so on)

2)they are real selling product.

there is many nonsense speakers to my ears and to my pocket as well.

my question however was diferent. there is more 50K range speakers and they have been discused many. even old Focal Nova utopia Be (I believe priced similar) had tons of feedback. Tidal speakers are priced more than focal- how ever this does not prevent frm discusions about them. Another example- there is lot of opera singers, better then Ana Netrebko, but no one talks about them as much as of Ana. there is lot of pop singers better than Mis Ga Ga but mostly people talk about this singer -OK you got the point. I wonder its marketing or just some speaker sonic/ esthetic have some "kharma" charming others and wanting to talk about it. I am almost sure its not the pricetag but maybe sonic- maybe how they provide music to listener?
so what's the problem man?Do you make speakers which cost as much as Focal Maestro,which sound even better but nobody talks abaut it or you want sell your speakers for such price?:)(P.S.I know this guy,he is making speakers and selling to some people he knows:)