Absolute Best CD Players Out There Under $12k ?

Ok, I'm looking to upgrade my CD Player. It's the last part of my uber-headphone system and I'm hoping to get the best player possible for under $12k used. I know that affords me alot of options, and I imagine I'll do some travelling and testing before I buy, but I wanted some opinions first. Right now, these are the main ones I'm considering:

*Reimyo CDP-777
*Linn Sondek CD12
*Naim CDS3/XPS2
*Wadia 270/27
*Wadia 861se w/Statement mod from GNSC
*Meridian 808
*EMM Labs Meitner CDSD/Dac6
*Esoteric DV-50 with full mods from Reference Audio Mods
*Classe Omega SACD

I'm not so much into characteristics - the overall performance is more important for me. But I do need a player with great bass (both in extension, detail, and volume) as my headphones are a bit bass shy. Any reviews/comparisons would be much appreciated.
Actually, The "I say it the way it is" syndrome in phycology is nothing more than a dilusion of graduer. My Dad's been using it all his life to his own detriment. He's finally coming around.

I think only God can say "I say it the way it is". Since, you would have to be all knowing to really do that. Everything else is just an opinion from a limited perspective.

I'm just saying it the way it is Judy426 ;)
>>Alcohol after all is known to intensify one's musical experience<<

Only for the short term Guido. You're much better off as you are. Stay the course.
Boy, this thread turned ugly. Far from my intention. But I'm sincerely thankful for the suggestions and reviews. I just traveled to Dallas a few days ago to try out the Reimyo and and the dCS (knew some guys that had them) and I must say I was supremely impressed with both. The dCS was outstanding but a little out of my price range. The Reimyo was just as good, and in fact I think I preferred it, and well in my price range if I wait long enough. I need to find someone that has the CD12 and the Meitner combo near me now.
Use your own ears is always the best thing to do.

Most threads turn ugly now days.
'Tis the hurricane season Norm. . . this too will blow away. enjoy your Halcyonic!