Benchmark DAC1 or Ah Reference Tjoeb 4000

I'm thinking in upgrade my digital source ( cheap Sony DVD player). I've read many good reviews about

Benchmark Dac 1
Ah! Noej Tjoeb 4000

but I can't hear them.

My system is : Primaluna Prologue Two and Von Schweikert VR-1.

Which do you think is the best option ?

I own the Benchmark DAC1 but have never heard the Noej Tjoeb 4000. However, from what I understand the 4000 sound to be, the two would be very different in sonic character. The DAC1 is a VERY detailed, clean, crisp source leaning on the bright side. The tubed 4000 I understand to be warmer, smoother and more laid back. Someone who's heard the 4000 can correct me, but I think it comes down to what kind of sound you prefer.
I think Insominac99 has pretty well captured what I understand the differences to be. I have not heard the DacI, but have read many posts which suggest that it is wonderful Dac for those who value clarity, detail and unveiled top end. I own the Super Tjoeb with upsampler (along with Prima Prologue I) and the combo is very musical, with a sweet midrange and top end sparkle. I listen mainly to jazz, acoustical & bossa, and the system plays this music with marvelous timbre and immediacy. Probably not the ideal system for steady dose of large-scale orchastra or rock though.

I own both the Tjoeb with upsampler and the Benchmark Dac1. They are both excellent products. I currently run the Benchmark directly into my Bel Canto digital amp. The Tjoeb gives a nice warm, smooth sound to things. If you have an all solid state system that may tend to be on the bright, analytical side, the Tjoeb may be an absolute lifesaver. It will make the music sound like music. The Benchmark offers a bit more resoution, clarity and slam, but will not warm up your system. I was a little dissapointed in the Benchmark at first (music a little dry) until I used a balanced XLR connection--the music really came alive then. As I said, I now use the Banchmark in my system.

By the way, the Tjoeb is fine without the upsampler. The upsampler changes the sound for sure but is it better--I'm not sure.
There are others to consider; I owned the Ah! 4000 with upsampler for a while. Nice, but not extravagant sound. Moved to the Rega Apollo, totally outclassed the Ah! in every respect. No comparison. The Apollo is both very detailed AND analogue sounding.
There were issues with soldering initially on some Apollo units, but I understand from the Rega dealers that all Apollo units now are perfect operationally.

At price point of $1k, the Apollo is EXTREMELY difficult to beat for sound. Have not heard the Benchmark, but would love to hear them A/B.

Rega in a couple months will come out with the Saturn here in the U.S. It will be an improvement over the Apollo. They are gunning for competing with the $5-6k competitors; price will be about $2,400

The Apollo is so good that you could buy unheard, simply going off of reviews, etc. and be confident that you are at the point of the best sound quality available at that price. Some very good reviews of it on
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