CD players with variable output/volume control

Hi - I am a single-source guy, and I want to run a CD player directly to my poweramp. I know there are some good units out there with volume controls on the remote, but I don't know of many. Here are the ones I know of:

Xindak Muse 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
Xindak SCD-2
AH! Njoe Tjoeb 4000
Several Marantz units...

Any other moderately priced units out there? Am I crazy to want to do this? I hate preamps, especially when I only use them for the volume control...
You can add Modwright's 999ES and 9000ES players to the list as well, as long as you ask for the DACT attenuator option. BTW, there'a a Modwright 999ES w/volume control listed now.

Wonderfully musical players!
I have owned the following CD players, all of which have a remote controlled variable volume: (in order of purchase date)

Theta Miles (I owned the balanced version which is supposed to be superior to the single-ended only version)

Cary CD-308

Resolution Audio Opus 21

Musical FIdelity CD/Pre-24

Quad 99 CDP

If you plan to connect direct to amp, make sure the player you buy has plenty of steps for the volume control. If too few steps, you may have to choose between a setting that is either too loud or too quiet. More steps=better control.

Also, some of the ones listed by other posters have volume control, but it is not remote controlled. All of the ones I listed have remote volume control.

The RA Opus 21, MF CD/Pre-24 and Quad 99 CDP all have additional digital inputs so you could also possibly connect additional digital devices to your system. For instance, you could connect a DVD player for watching concert videos, etc.

Of the ones I've owned, I prefer them in this order (based on a combination of sonics and usability):

Resolution Audio Opus 21
Quad 99 CDP
Cary CD-308
Theta Miles
Musical Fidelity CD/Pre-24

FYI, there are also some good DACs with variable volume. I have owned the Monarchy Model 33 and Birdland Odeon Lite. Neither has remote control.


If possible I recommend you audition any CDP that you will use direct to amp before you buy it (or atleast buy it used so you have the option of selling it without too much of a loss). I have yet to run a CDP/DAC direct to an amp and prefer it, long term, over using a CDP/DAC with a preamp in the chain.

A few I have tried: Wadia 850, Benchmark DAC1, Apogee Mini-DAC: Just my two cents.