CD players with variable output/volume control

Hi - I am a single-source guy, and I want to run a CD player directly to my poweramp. I know there are some good units out there with volume controls on the remote, but I don't know of many. Here are the ones I know of:

Xindak Muse 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
Xindak SCD-2
AH! Njoe Tjoeb 4000
Several Marantz units...

Any other moderately priced units out there? Am I crazy to want to do this? I hate preamps, especially when I only use them for the volume control...
The Linn Genki can do this (around $850 or so used). But you should know that sound from any CDP that has this variable output function built in isn't as good this way as it will be when the signal is run through a decent preamp.
I just received an APL Denon 3910 on the 22nd of July. It sounded incredible out of the box while going through my Calypso pre. When I switched to direct to amp, my dead quiet noise floor got even quieter! I have not noticed a drop in body or dynamics. Here is the clincher. He just rolled out an inexpensive, solid state Marantz for cd only that he claims to be incredible. There are some aspects of this player that he even prefers to the 3910. Check out his forum if you get a chance.
Oops - take the Xindak players (Muse 1.0, 2.0, 3.0) off the list, because the volume control only influences the headphone output. Apparently the SCD-2's volume control does influence the RCA and balanced outputs.

Sorry if I caused any conclusion, but the translated Chinese documentation is not exactly clear!
Muse Model 11 does (it is also a universal player). I think the Audio Aero Prima does as well.