MiniMonitor 33lbs w/realistic vocals,not bright.

I listen to popular music (50's to now) and want mini-monitors (bedroom-corner system, not desktop, sitting 5-6 feet away). My goals are
[1]silky but realistic, rounded vocals that have detail and are palpable with details and character;
[2]bass control;
[3]limited piercing brash highs that make me wince.

I have a good tubed headphone amp/preamp in this space (it's now a headphone system) so active speakers are fine, but passives with a small amp could work too. So what would be a good speaker or speaker/amp combo?

My 1st try was active Quad 12Ls (because I love my Quad 9Ls on my computer), and I kind of like them but I'm looking for that does the silky-midrange-vocal + sweet-highs thing.

My source in an EMM cd player.

(If you have thoughts on getting what I want out of the Quad 12Ls, that would be fine too.)
Usher 520's have been highly reviewed.I have a set myself and haved been very pleased.These list at $479,you can buy them used on Agon for about $350.
Well, I got a pair of old Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors and they are just great. So much better than the Quads (12Ls, now used on my computer, doing a nice job there for youtube).

The Auditors have really smooth but lifelike gorgeous vocals, the bass is solid with some hints of deep bass, highs are sweet too. They aren't totally transparent but they throw a very credible soundstage that sounds very right to me, and they sound driverless. Overall, I think I like them better than my Harbeth SHL5s (I like the vocals better in the Auditors, no ringing and more rounded with better texture). But they are very different speakers from the Harbeths, which have a fuller big speaker sound with bigger images. But I like the tonality of the Auditors better, with more detailed texture. I never had Sonus Fabers before.
I'm looking for some good speaker cables for them now.

(The only problem is I like them so much I'm eyeing the Guarnari Mementos, but I need to resist the upgradeitis bug, at least until I sell some old eqpt. & cables...)