trying to decide between Cary 303/300 and BAT CD

Does anyone have an opinion after hearing these two CD's. I use the Cary V12r and the First Sound Deluxe with Sonus Faber Grand Pianos soon to be Audes orpheus. I love tubes but fear that too much tubes could be muddy. I like the way you can switch to SS with the Cary, but I also hear Bat CD is out of this world. Any opinion?
Jim or any one else who would care to comment, what tubes did you go with on the amp change? I noticed in the manual the 6550's were an acceptable replacement. Any opinion on the change to those?

I am using SED el34's for the power tubes, Tele el84's and RCA 12BZ7's for the small tubes. Jim
I haven't heard the Cary 303/300 so I can't comment on it...
But I recently bought a BAT VK-D5.I had been looking to replace my Jolida JD-100( which I truly adored but wanted to improve upon the Detail)..
I purchased the Audio Aero Prima based on rave reviews by trusted ears...
and although it provided the detail I was looking for I found it Dry sounding and one-dimensional. I am definitely in the minority opinion regarding this player's sound...I assume it was not synergenic with my system...

Enter the BAT VK-D5....I have owned it for several months now and I have not had even one moment of "uh, oh" is sweet sounding without being mushy and brings out the most incredible, layered Detail...especially in large convinced me that the Source is capable of manipulating Soundstage width and depth...
every time I listen I get goosebumps and am thanful that I took a chance on an older player like this...I can only imagine that the SE version must be quite amazing...
If you can get your hands on a well taken care of VK-D5 and try it in your system you may find nirvana too...
Tube CD is interesting, and can be good, but I find the most real sounding and very high build quality is in the Wadia, try what you can first, but with anything there is good and not so desirable with any type of equipment, build quality and sound go wadia for digital, the Bat is a close second for a different sound but will be softer on the bass, cary is good but a little bit pricey I think used in comparison and not the same build quality as the other two transport wise.
I just posted a review of a Resolution Audio Opus 21 GNSC Modified. I am a dealer for RA as well as for GNSC modified units, so please keep that in mind. But this is the best digital I have ever heard.....I have not heard everythign out there, but I urge you to check this out.

In my opinion, the STOCK Opus 21 easily beats out the BAT in transparency and detail, PRAT and that hard to find analog quality. The only thing it does not have is the rich midrange that tubes bring. With the mods, it is in a totally different league...........