iPod nano caution: incredibly delicate finish

I owned a 4 gig black nano for several days before deciding to return it for an exchange (due Oct 15 alas....).

You tough the nano and immediately the finger print is visible. So you take a soft cotten cloth and rub it to polish away the finger print. Presto: the entire finish is ruined.

I'm going with black again but will not even open the box until I can purchase an appropriate case. Belkin and iskin are coming out with promising ones as are others.

So, CAUTION: nano looks great and sounds great but it does not look great for very long....

By contrast my mini looks as good as new, and I've probably had it for a year or more, kicking around in my gym bag.

The delicacy of the finish on the nano is a serious design flaw.


ps: the standard acrylic scratch cleaner that I used for my Basis 2001 turntable did not even begin to fix the problem on the nano finish. There is supposed to be a product called "ice creme" that helps, but I hope to avoid it.
Wow, this is surprising. Did the black U2 models have this problem too? Who did Apple have beta testing these things? Only people that wear gloves?

Defective screens? Wholly... Maybe it shouldn't surprise me. After all, I own one of the first 4th gen 40GB units that love to freeze up.
I've heard a lot about the screens being unreadable after getting scratched. Oh well, stick with the original. I mean how small do you need it.
My boss just got a black one from his wife over the weekend and it is already sratched to hell. I own the last generation of the 40GB which is white and it has some scratches but nothing like this. I have been thinking about buying a nano for fun but will probably wait. I do have over 25,000 songs in iTunes now.

My wife has the Mini in blue and that finish is very delicate..

I was amazed at the size and the display. Apple sure makes cool toys..

That is why I bought a white nano. Love it. Sold my mini to buy the nano. Left the protective film on the back till i get a case. Display and all functions OK and I lift with it and do aerobics with it in my pocket or on the stair stepper. Podcasts sure make the aerobics go by faster.