What would you do?

I sold a Meridian 508.24 to a member, and upon his first week of ownership, I called to see how he was making out with his new CDP. He told me that the unit skipped and because he did a lot of recording that he could not use it. He stated that he wouldn't feel right about selling something that he knew had a problem.
After hearing him out I agreed to take it back and see for myself what the problem was.I told him that he need to isolate the unit and he came back with, "I own B&W's 800 and I know what I am doing."
Upon getting the unit I played three hours on it with no problems. I knew it wouldn't skip but felt I needed to go the extra mile with him.
I called him and told him there was no skipping when played for three hours. He stated that he couldn't use it. I sent his money back and E-Mailed him and told him I wanted to leave him a negitive feedback. I have yet to leave him feedback.
I sold the unit and lost money on the sale.
There are many members out there that have alot of wisdom on deals like this. What would you do?


Snofun3, I believe the reason for the change was so that AudiogoN did not have to be bothered handling dispute cases anymore. Now the buyer/seller must approve/dissaprove feedback before it is posted. If they approve, feedback is posted. If they dissapprove I believe the feedback issue just dies. I don't think there is any dispute resolution process anymore.
The new system was created to save the AudiogoN staff the headaches of dispute resolution, not for the consumers benefit.

I haven't noticed anyone with negative feedback since the new system has been put in place. So it seems that most folks will not approve of negative feedback posted towards themselves. Shocking discovery, eh?
Thanks John - I agree that was the intent of the new system, but does it do anyone any good? What's the point of feedback now?

I'm everyone's Mom said that "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it", but when we're looking at investments of thousands of dollars, it's nice to know that we're getting an accurate representation of the seller.

And what did AGon ever do regarding disputes anyway?
You state that "you lost money on the deal" but really how much are we talking here? Is it just shipping and handling fees? Please bear in mind that this is a very popular unit and you should have no problem re-selling the unit.

I believe that you did the right thing, but it does sound to me that the unit is isolation sensitive and perhaps there is just a smidgeon of culpability on you rpart for not imparting caveat emptor (although to be truthful, I don't believe I've seen any ads that have included this warning for Meridian players).

I would leave a neutral feedback for the buyer. Given the circumstances as presented, I feel leaving a negative feedback is a little to harsh as there are some mitigating factors.
Post a neutral feedback. I did this to Tom in Ithaca, who sold me a pair of speakers that were "mint" yet had a noticable ding on one corner at the bottom. He claimed he could not see it! Yeah,I moved on, and the Audiogon system did accept the neutral feedback. He left no feedback for me, since he was busy counting my money...... What could he say? My money got there too quick? :)
I have this Tandberg 3008A preamp; I was screwed by the Audiogon seller and in the middle of a the dispute process. the only way to battle these irreponsible buyers, and sellers, is to use the feedback system. Go for it.

You should definitely leave feedback; simply state the facts with nothing subjective. The truth is always the best and all that rot.