What would you do?

I sold a Meridian 508.24 to a member, and upon his first week of ownership, I called to see how he was making out with his new CDP. He told me that the unit skipped and because he did a lot of recording that he could not use it. He stated that he wouldn't feel right about selling something that he knew had a problem.
After hearing him out I agreed to take it back and see for myself what the problem was.I told him that he need to isolate the unit and he came back with, "I own B&W's 800 and I know what I am doing."
Upon getting the unit I played three hours on it with no problems. I knew it wouldn't skip but felt I needed to go the extra mile with him.
I called him and told him there was no skipping when played for three hours. He stated that he couldn't use it. I sent his money back and E-Mailed him and told him I wanted to leave him a negitive feedback. I have yet to leave him feedback.
I sold the unit and lost money on the sale.
There are many members out there that have alot of wisdom on deals like this. What would you do?


As long as you got your unit back and it is in the same condition as when you sold, why would you complain about it? After all you sold it again. What you should have agreed on in the first place is if you take the player back, he would pay all the fees - your sales ad fee, shipping cost and whatever else was involved. As far as I'm concerned, he should be greatfull that you took it back and leave you a positive feedback. If you try to leave him a negative feedback it won't be fair, because you made an offer to him to take it back. The player does not skip, so he didn't like the way it sounded, but I am not sure if he would demand his money back if you hadn't contacted him first. This is just another lesson for all of us I guess.
Audiophile1 very good post,why did the buyer even need
to lie to the seller,when in fact it does not skip,
If I were the buyer,I will just sell it, to make
the seller happy,the problem of this buyer, He is
not very honest.Partly the buyer took advantage of
the kindness of the seller.Of course who want to do
business with this buyer, I wont.
This is a response to John's earlier message which I failed to pick up on. If what you say is correct, eg that the person who's had the negative feedback assigned to him / her has to be approve of it for it to be posted...then you are 100% correct: that does defeat the whole purpose.
Just let me know wich unit it is so it doesnt end up skipping in my system! Um sorry had to throw out a joke, just on a side note if anyone took a question you ask in hopes of helping him and said

"I own B&W's 800 and I know what I am doing."
That woulda red flagged the whole conversation for me, and anyway how does that make him qualified for anything other than a coffee mug from B&W? By the way I gave my mug away to a guy who has the 801 because ....well he is smarter than me.
I agree Chad.Thats funny, can you also send me a mug,
so I will become smart?Like my friend say, If you lie
do it right.