Ayre C5xe or APL 3910 ?

I not too long ago heard the Ayre C5xe and was totally blown away on all formats at the amount of resolution, detail retrieval and it's dynamic yet smooth sound. I must admit I'm ready to pull the trigger on it, but before I do just wanted to know if there is anything better in it's price class of $6K or less. So far what comes to mind is the APL 3910 at $5K but there is no way I can possibly audition one of these so I would like some insight from those of you who have heard both players. Please, lend me your golden ears!

It sounds like the Ayre would be a fine machine , based on reviews and the comments on the internet.

I admit, I have not heard the Ayre.
But...Have you heard the APL ?

APL does not consider it a mod. Most of the Denon components, boards etc are removed. Basically, what is left is the case and the transport.
Then APL installs their designed circuitry.
It is a design that it is not made to a pre determined selling price point. It is without those limitations and without all the middlemen $$$ mark ups .

Running the APL direct to my AMP without a Preamp was a huge musical impact. I was also able to sell my Preamp and all the associated cabling.

APL is always coming out with upgrades that can be reinstalled on the same machine for small $$$ Always searching for the best sound.
I have had mine upgraded 3 times to APL latest design which includes the use of 8 AKM DACs

Your comparison with a Auto should have been a comparison to a hand made expert building it piece by piece for optimun performance.

Try to give it a listen.
Ozzy, I have not heard the APL and of course I would like to. Maybe we're splitting semantics here but if APL does not consider its product a mod then why do they call it the "Denon DVD 3910 based APL Hi-Fi Universal Digital Player" on their own website? That sounds like a mod to me and my extensive experience with aftermarket mods has not been favorable over the long run. That you've already "upgraded" your APL 3 times makes my point. Ayre uses a Pioneer transport but nothing else from that company but they don't seem to need to call their product a "Pioneer transport based AYRE Universal Digital Disc Player". Maybe it's because they because they machine their own case and APL does not. Maybe it's because they haven't simply modified the Pioneeer player. Maybe they've actually designed it from scratch. Who knows?

With regard to the automobile analogy I would consider AMG, Braebus and RUF to be expert handcrafters and their products are superb until you have to get them serviced. But they still call their machines Mercedes or Porches respectively because they are MODS!
I mentioned the 3 upgrades only to show the advantage of buying a APL unit.
I remember buying Sonic Frontiers Equipment only for them to come out with a Mark 2 version soon after. Then it was a Dac 2 Mark 2 and so on.
I am sure eventually the Ayre will have a newer version such as a A or a Mark 2. Most of these types of improvements would involve purchasing the newer improved version and selling your older Equipment version.

I can understand your concern on Mods. Replacing parts here and there is iffy and risky voiding warranties and results may be worse.

But, call it a Mod or a redesign , the APL is in a different league .
Ozzy, I'm sorry that you remember buying Sonic Frontiers equipment. Where is that stuff now? Maybe Anthem or some other reputably established company will rescue you from APL as well once Denon pulls the plug. Or maybe you can just "upgrade" to the forthcoming APL Teac/Esoteric mod in advance. Those slackers at Denon and Teac must gape in awe as their ineptitude is exposed by APL. Yes APL is clearly in a different league. Surely APL will "improve" the Ayre as well. Unless the dacha in Varna is paid for.
I heard the Ayre unit a few weeks ago at a local dealer and was greatly impressed with the unit. The true test for me was when the sales rep. played a Reference Recording of Water Music (Ravel?) which didn't make me cringe. Digital playback of piano 95% of the time sounds too harsh, to my ears.

In fact, the sound of the hammers striking the strings was quite palpable. I began to think of ways to afford the unit, but @ $6K, its out of my range, not to mention that I don't need or desire a universal player. Still it was quite an audition.