Acoustic Zen Crescendo or Sony SS-AR1

Has anyone compared the Acoustic Zen Crescendo speaker to the new Flagship Sony SS-AR1 speaker? Does the Sony have the potential to dethrone the Crescendo as the best budget full range speaker under $ 30K?
>>07-20-11: Rcprince
is it just me who is bothered that the OP considers a speaker in the $30K price range to be a "budget" speaker?<<

He could be a member of congress.

In which case, $30K is just a dinner and a few bottles of wine.

Or a pair of full range speakers.

Heard the Crescendo's and didn't think very much of them. There are a lot of people who agreed with me. There is definitely no consensus on this.
Here is one vote for the Crecendo's. I heard these at Axpona earlier this year with triode electronics of Japan components. I kept coming back to this room because every time I sat down I relaxed and just enjoyed the music. They were driven by the 20WPC tri 845se amp which should be given the award of "sounds like 200 but is only 20wpc". Bass response in the room was jaw dropping. I was so impressed with this setup that I bought the amp and have been seriously considering buying the speakers, but I think I am going to give the high sensitivity speaker choices a crack for now as I want to give the amp a shot at driving an easy load.

Thank you PTM consulting for stating what I and many others feel.

To Audio Feil, I don't sell Radiho, nor do I sell the Revels, so I have nothing to gain by recommending them the fact that I even mentioned them should shut you up about crowing about my products or that I am biased.

I have heard the both of speakers and I think they are very good speakers which produce superb sound quality with real engineering.

Speaking of hearing I have heard Magico, YG, Rockport, Focal, Wilson, Thiel, as well as Avalon. If you want to talk reference speakers bring em on.

I call em like I hear them, and unlike Audio Fail I have 25 years of experience coming form working at both SBS and Innovative Audio, I have heard and played with almost every brand of audio equipment out there and I know most of the principals who run these companies.

The Zen's are decent speakers which do not lead the field in terms of build quality or driver technology. I am not saying they don't produce good results but other than one review does not consensus make.

In terms of the Sony speakers, this is a true craftsman's product. I haven't heard them so I can comment, I would say lavish construction and attention to detail can produce extremely good results.
>>07-20-11: Audiooracle
To Audio Feil, I don't sell Radiho, nor do I sell the Revels<<

But you do sell Usher and KEF right?
A financial interest right?
No disclosure.

Shut me up chubby.