Zu Omen Defs and Ice Amps?

Anyone have the opportunity to audition a pair of Zu Omen Definitions and a Class D or Ice Amp? The Zu's obviously don't need a lot of power so I'm thinking one of these newer digital amps might be a good fit. If so, please share the make/model of amp and your impressions. So far, I'm considering the King Rex, Trends, Dayton, and Topping amps but I'm sure I've left a few out that might be contenders. Thanks in advance.
They're a bad fit because the Zu FRD sounds best with an amp with a relatively low damping factor. That's what it's designed for. Bass will be overly damped (dry, thin) with any kind of digital or switching amp.
Whats with all these Class D amps. My friends bring them over to my house and say look it weighs almost nothing and it will produce some crazy amount of power like 500 watts per channel. Then they will proceed that it should keep up with my Pass Labs X350.5. The class D does not come close with the most important part the sound quality. Next the Class D will make your ears bleed in the process. The flat tinny sound must be in style these days. All aside my friend has pair of ZU audio Omen Definitions and they sound extremely good with his collection of tube amps; 1) Modified Jolida 502B, 2)Manley Stingray 3)Cary 300B Integrated 4) Modified Dynaco ST 70 with a Dodd Audio Buffer Preamp. All those amps do a great job and hold a class of their own and still kill Class D as for sound quality. Buy decent tube amp and those ZU Omens will sing the way they were designed.
>>06-08-11: Glory
All D amps suck<<

That, dear friends, displays not only stupidity but a complete lack of experience.

Audio morons are alive and well in Florida.
I don`t agree that "all" class D amps suck, but they are not ideal for all speaker types(no amp is). I do believe that for Zu speakers in general they`re at their best with good quality low-moderate power tube amps(SET,OTL orpush-pull). Also one of the First Watt amps should work well.
The Class D amps I've heard do indeed suck, but then I wasn't crazy about the Zu Omens either, which a friend owned for about a week. I imagine that the Zus and the Class D amps I've heard would be a marriage made in hell. Audiofeil probably sells others.