Zu Omen Defs and Ice Amps?

Anyone have the opportunity to audition a pair of Zu Omen Definitions and a Class D or Ice Amp? The Zu's obviously don't need a lot of power so I'm thinking one of these newer digital amps might be a good fit. If so, please share the make/model of amp and your impressions. So far, I'm considering the King Rex, Trends, Dayton, and Topping amps but I'm sure I've left a few out that might be contenders. Thanks in advance.
For the record:
It is correct that very powerful amplifier, like our Musician III, can be rather poor match for the high sensitivity speakers. This why each and every Musician III leaving factory (sold new or after upgarde, repair etc) is tested on 98 dB sensitivity single woofer speakers and not on difficult to drive ones.

Many believe, I suspect, that all class D amplfiers have, and I quote: "....negative feedback switching power supply power amp " It is not so. Our Musician III, Mark Levisnon No.53 and few other class D amplfifiers use traditional "heavy" linear ones (Mark Levinson single monoblock weights, I believe, 170 lbs!).

It is not to say that there are no excellent switching power supplies (which can be used with class A,B,C,D,E etc amplifiers. One is that by Jeff Rowland (fully reguilated with PFC) and another, I know of is ours own which we use exclusively in our pro audio products (also fully regulated with PFC).

Moreover, I believe and I could be wrong that recent NuForce Ref 18 and Bel Canto 1000 Mk2 amplifiers use essentially older ICE Power based output stage(s) but improved the B&O switching power supplies by addition of extra capactitors and as I read people like the improvments but I probably should not go into subjective sonic opinions.

Simon - some Rowland amps (like 301) based also on standard Icepower modules with built in SMPS use Power Factor Correction supply in addition that converts 120Hz charging spikes common to 120Hz rectification to smooth full cycle mains current. In addition PFC converts 110VAC to almost 400VDC making for much better operation of Icepower's SMPS(lower losses).
Audiofeil, do you have problems reading? I said the Class D amps I HEARD sucked. Two of them. Both pretty favorably reviewed.

"If you believe all suck ..." I never said that. And I'm neither inexperienced nor ignorant. Stop being a jerk.
Kijanski and Krellman,
Why be so defensive? It`s a free market with many choices of amplifiers to choose among. If you prefer class D amps that`s a personal preference, nothing more or less. Others have tried them and found better sound elsewhere(no crime).

The fact that a particular reviewer likes the Spectron amp, OK, well he likes it. Some reviewers prefer SET,OTL,P-P tube or solid state, that does`nt add or subtract credibility at all. You guys bought what suits your taste, but it is`nt for everyone.
A good Ice Power amp would be a sound choice in the SS amp camp, but frankly, I suspect there are many SS and tube amps that can also do a top notch job with those in that I believe the rap is they are pretty efficient and easy to drive.

The consumer market Zu appears to target will probably lean more towards tube amps. IcePower amps appeal to a different camp of consumers I suspect.

The amp I am familiar with that I would like to hear most with those is the Tube Audio Design 125 Hibachi monblocks, which is a SS amp designed to sound more like a traditional tube amp.